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1. 70 000 + 2000 + 300 + 8 = ______


2. Round 769 481 to the nearest thousand.


3. Express 9 1/5 as a decimal.


4. The diagram shows a cup of milo sold in a school canteen.

Which of the following could be the volume of the milo sold in the cup?


5. Ms Tan bought 16 apples, 10 oranges and 2 watermelons. What was the ratio of the total number of apples and watermelons to the number of oranges?


6. The figure is made up of two triangles, PQR and STU.

Which two lines in the figure are perpendicular to each other?


7. What is the value of 2/3 ÷ 4/5?


8. Which decimal is greater than 0.07 but smaller than 0.15?


9. Find the value of (80 - 2p) ÷ 2 when p = 6.


10. The table shows the number of points scored by different groups of students in a quiz.

How many groups scored at least two points?


11. The table shows the height of different plants, W, X, Y and Z grown in a room over a month.

Which plant has the greatest increase in height?


12. Kamie is standing at K facing north.

Kamie turns through an angle of 135° in an anti-clockwise direction, followed by ΒΌ-turn in the clockwise direction. Which point will Kamie be facing?


13. The usual price of a study table was $300. During a sale, Mrs Kumar bought 2 such study tables at a discount of 60%. How much was the total discount?


14. Figure 1 is formed using four identical squares. The perimeter of Figure 1 is 80 cm. Another three identical squares were added to Figure 1 to form Figure 2.

Find the perimeter of Figure 2.


15. Xavier planned to save $21 using his pocket money. The table below shows his saving plan for his weekly pocket money from Monday to Friday.

Xavier started to save on a Friday. On which day of the week did Xavier managed to save exactly $21?