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1. Round 748 850 to the nearest hundred.


2. 10 hundredths and 75 thousandths is ______.


3. In the number line below, what is the value of Y as indicated by the arrow?


4. Which pair of lines in the square grid are parallel?


5. BCE and DAB are straight lines. Find ∠DAC.


6. PQRS is a trapezium and RSTU is a parallelogram.
Which of the following pair of angles gives a sum of 180°?


7. Which two of the following are nets of a cube?


8. Huiling had $z. Ravi had twice as much money as Huiling. Jas had $5 more than Ravi. If Jas had $10, how much money did Huiling have?


9. The pie chart shows the number of four types of drinks sold in the school canteen.
Which bar graph best represents the information in the pie chart?


10. Which of the following is likely to be the length of a bench in the school canteen?


11. Which of the following fractions is closest to 4/5 ?


12. The square grid shows the positions of the buildings U, V, W, X, Y and Z.

Christine stands at a location south-west of her house and east of a building. When facing south-east from Christine's location, she sees a building. What is that building?


13. What is the length of the pencil shown below?


14. Viv, Wendy and Xinyi each had some beads. They each used the same number of beads to make a necklace. Viv used 1/3 of her beads, Wendy used 7/8 of her beads and Xinyi used 3/4 of her beads. What was the ratio of the number of beads Viv had at first to the number of beads Wendy had at first to the number of beads Xinyi had at first?


15. The first 7 numbers of a number pattern are given below.
What is the 13th number?