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1. Which of the following is the same as 8.03 kg?


2. In 51.027, which digit is in the tenths place?


3. Express 11/4 as a decimal.


4. Round 39 521 to the nearest thousand.


5. The length of a rectangle is 7/9 m and the breadth is 6 m. Find the area of the rectangle.


In the square grid, point ______ is south-west of point R.


7. Jane and 4 of her classmates spent an average of $16.40 at a cafe. How much did they spend altogether?


8. The solid is made up of 1-cm unit cubes. What is the volume of the solid?


9. In as class of 36 pupils, there are 9 pupils who wear spectacles. What is the percentage of pupils who do not wear spectacles?


10. In Singa Primary School, 4/9 of the pupils are girls. What is the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in Singa Primary School?


11. The thickness of a book is 2.04 cm. What is the height of 90 such books stacked on top of one another? Give your answer in metres.


The rectangle is made up of 2 identical squares. Find the total area of the shaded triangles.


13. In the figure, WXY and WYZ are isosceles triangles. Find ∠WXY.


14. Anette had 7/8 m of ribbon. She used 3/4 of it to tie a flower bouquet. How much ribbon had she left?


15. Terry had some $2, $5, and $10 notes in his wallet. He had 12 notes and the total value of the notes was $71. How many $5-notes did he have?