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New Electroic Multiple Choice Questions have just been launched. It helps your child improve his/her grades through progressive practices. Our concept is to use systematic approach to exam preparation so that your child can excel. Students can take the test anytime, anywhere. Take the quiz now by clicking on the button below.
e-MCQWhether your child is doing well in his or her studies and want to improve test score or is getting red marks or low score and badly need help to pass, the answer is the same. Use top school exam papers. Revising with Top School Exam Papers makes the difference between a battle lost or won. We believe that with the right tools and right environment every child can become a champion.
By going through the test papers, pupils get a feel of the exam paper’s format and the degree of difficulty, the scope of the questions and the correct way to answer.
Some test papers like Math test papers and to a certain extent science test paper and English grammar in English test paper, require lots of practice. Other than worksheets that the teacher has given, your child still needs to do Primary School Exam Papers as additional practices before exam period. This is because the standard of Top School Exam Papers is higher than that of the neighbourhood schools.
For test papers that require memorising facts like test papers for English, Chinese test papers, and biology, chemistry sections of test paper for science, additional practices will help to increase their knowledge and vocabulary. Sometimes questions in previous old school test papers may reappear again in Top School Exam Papers of the current year. Test questions help to uncover areas that the student is weak at and prompts the pupil to go back to that particular section of textbook to revise again.
Scholarly students in top schools who want to excel and be admitted to top secondary schools such as Raffles Institution, Raffles Girls School should also use Primary 6 top school test papers. These papers will definitely help enhance their performance. They contain a wealth of knowledge from top ten schools which have better and more papers than those from a single top school.
Top school exam papers are more rigorous and challenging and are good in training the pupils to brace themselves for the PSLE and excel in it.
It is very easy to get exam papers from the Internet. There are many Testpaper biz websites that offer exam papers in pdf files. Some offer free download for past years Primary School Exam Papers but charge a fee for the latest exam papers. Many websites require users to buy exam papers in CD package, printed package for ten year series, one year test papers package or per subject package. They claimed that the reason for charging a fee is due to the value added provided in the answer key which was produced by qualified personnel. If you want to buy online exam papers for your child, check if they are scanned properly and are tidy, with clear wordings; have sentences that are level, not slanting, nor grainy; and contain answers that are grammatically and factually correct. Though they do not allow you to check the pdf test paper documents before you pay, you can easily do a quick check on the downloadable free test papers. It is only when you are satisfied with the free versions that you should proceed to buy. Some other websites also offer old school test papers interactive tests. However, you need to check if the tests are based on the latest 2014 papers. Check if the papers were set by schools in 2014 or just uploaded online in 2014 but actually set in 2013. If it is the latter, then it is not updated to latest MOE syllabus.
Photocopy shops do carry test papers that are titled Primary school test paper. The quality of hardcopy papers are about the same as the Online Papers but the hardcopy price which is around the photocopy rate is higher. You have to check that there are no missing pages, no missing answer keys before you buy. Vet through the answer key before you use it to mark your child’s test paper.
Another source is Popular bookstore. They sell only the official PSLE test paper from Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board, which are printed by approved publishers. However it only has 5 years Primary 6 test papers and it does not provide answers. Moreover, there is only one set of Primary 6 test paper for each of the 5 years as compared with ten 2013 exam papers from test paper info websites. Other books on test papers are developed by publishers and are not from top schools.
Sgtestpaper.com provides both the downloadable top school exam papers as well as interactive tests. Interactive tests are based on papers that are processed by software to ensure that the wording and diagrams are tidy. At times our team has to redraw the diagram, re-enter the text from scratch and get it spell-checked to improve the quality. Our answer keys have been vetted, edited by graduate teachers for correctness, re-entered and spell-checked before it is posted online. Sgtestpaper.com automatically compares the answer submitted with the answer key and gives a pass fail score. The marks are tallied up to give a total test score displayed for the student to see. Our system also shows the marked test papers with the corrected answers. Essentially Sgtestpaper.com does not just provide test papers. It also offers online invigilation service which includes time keeping, computerised marking, computerised tutorial (future plan) on answer correction, and automated administrative service to keep track of the test results. Parents are freed from the hassle of ensuring that printout out hundreds of pages of test papers are printed correctly and with right sequence. They are also relieved from the burden of marking the exam papers and providing correct answers.
Pupils are advised to do the most current test papers after revision. If there is enough time, do about 5 Top School Exam Papers per subject. When doing tests on printed test papers, it is better to separate the answer key from the main paper. If the student encounters difficult questions, it is advisable to skip the question and come back later.
At the end of the test paper, spend some time to check all the answers and to check for completeness. Then hand the paper to another person for marking. Interactive tests provided by sgtestpaper.com are marked automatically with the results shown instantly. The correct answers will be placed beside answers that are marked as incorrect. Sgtestpaper.com allows your child to do retest after the first try. You will notice significant improvement in retest score. Systematic approach of test, correction and retest helps your child progress in leaps and bounds.
The first step in preparing for examination is to set a fixed time each day to study and a schedule to say when to start the revision and for which subject. The plan should include how many chapters to revise and how many worksheets to work on. Your child has to be self-disciplined to follow the plan. Parents who do not know the examination time schedule can search ‘MOE exam timetable’ to see the official examination schedule. The best time to start revision with past year exam papers is one or two months before the examination.
The next thing is to decide on the place to study. Some students prefer to do self-study while others like to study in a group. Some need total silence in a library before they can concentrate while others like to have some background music like in the cafeteria. Both are alright as long as your child is comfortable with it. As long as the place meets basic criteria, there is no right or wrong. So there is no need to tell your child to change the study place if he is producing the desired results.
The most effective way to revise is to use an active approach. Work on the simple exercises in the textbook. For theory, pupils can use the mind map method to summarise the facts. Draw the mind map using the facts in the textbook.
Study smart. Focus on chapters that are the core of the subject or difficult chapters instead of simply reading from first to last page.
Some pupils can study independently while others need tution teachers to coach them. You can search for suitable tutors online or through friends’ referral. Sgtestpaper.com provides a News Forum for tutors to post their services online. Parents can use it to look for suitable tution teachers. Before engaging them, it is wise to validate their credentials, as the tutors are not part of our team. Neither are they are related to us.
Tuition teachers can leverage on test papers as a teaching tool. Let your child do interactive test papers available on sgtestpaper.com and list out those questions that your child has difficulty. Ask the tutor to explain how to solve the difficult problems. The tutor could also walk through the interactive Top School Exam Papers questions by question on a laptop. It will be a useful learning experience.
School teachers are already giving the pupils lots of worksheet to do. The child’s workload is very heavy. Parents are advised not to give additional work. Instead, give the child a loving family environment. Studies have shown that scholars normally come from happy families. Your child will excel when physical and emotional needs are met. Allow reasonable amount of play time between homework. The school allocates certain time periods for pupils to do self-study. It is during these periods that students should do past year examination papers from top schools.
Sgtestpaper.com provides both the printable top school exam papers as well as interactive tests. The interactive test papers are designed such that students can do it at their own pace, section by section. Full interactive test papers with time limit do not have to be done at one go. Your child can take a test then quit, log off, take a break and then continue by logging on again. The system only count the time online and exclude the break time to compute the time expired. Parents who are in the office can check the status and result of the test paper when the student is taking the test at home.
Your child should stay relaxed and enjoy the learning process. Wishing your child every success in his or her pursuit of academic excellence.