Kindergarten and Preschool Worksheets
Early childhood development is crucial for kindergarten kids.
They need to be equipped will skills required in elementary school.
They need to engage in activities like phonics pronunciation, listening, singing, drawing, reading, writing, and play-based activities like math games.
All these activities provide them with physical, emotional, social and cognitive development.
Printable materials required are preschool worksheets on letters, math, vocabulary, comprehension, shape and colors, sounds and phonics.
Kindergarten Alphabet Worksheets
Kindergarten alphabet worksheets include: tracing the alphabet; printing the alphabet; circling matching lower case letters;
drawing line connecting the upper and lower orders of letters of the alphabet;
filling in missing letters in the right order in the table; handwriting one cursive letter of alphabet at a time;
handwriting whole words in cursive; and handwriting whole sentences in cursive. These are excellent preschool alphabet tracing activities.
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
Kindergarten math worksheets consist of: tracing numbers 1-10;
printing numbers 1-20, counting objects and circling correct number; counting objects and deciding whether the number is odd or even;
and looking at the number and deciding whether the number is odd or even.
Preschool math helps children understand what a number say ‘5’ means when they can visualize math in real-life when they count five rubber ducklings.
Math count along helps too. Other math activities are counting beans, playing hopscotch, counting / eating M&Ms chocolates.
Math games using Lego chips or small plastic toys make the activities more interesting.
Kindergarten Vocabulary Worksheets
Sight words kindergarten worksheets comprise: finding given sight words in the sentences and circling them;
printing sight words shown and then finding and circling them on the chart; and finding sight words on word search diagrams.
Preschool compound words worksheets contain: printing the two words shown together making a compound word;
joining the words with a line forming a compound word; choosing words from the group to form compound words and printing them;
and writing two different words that the given compound word is made from.
Printable plural words kindergarten worksheets cover: circling pictures that have more than one; writing the plural form of the word shown in the picture;
deciding whether a sentence needs a singular or plural word;
and finishing the sentence with the singular or plural versions of the words shown. Only preschool vocabulary is used.
Kindergarten Reading comprehension Worksheets
Printable reading comprehension kindergarten worksheets involve: drawing a line from sentences to picture; reading the riddle and choosing the pictures;
reading the sentence and choosing the right words to finish it; and reading the clue and printing the answer.
The comprehension sentences are crafted such that preschool children can understand.
Preschool Shapes and colors Worksheets
Preschool shapes worksheets include: drawing and identifying while tracing the shapes; connecting matching shapes to each other and to its name.
Printable colors worksheets cover: tracing and printing a color’s name and circling objects of that color;
drawing a line connecting the word and objects of the same color.
Preschool Sounds and phonics Worksheets
Preschool beginning sound worksheets consist of: circling the beginning letter to the word associated with the picture;
drawing line between the picture and letter that begins the word; and matching beginning letters to the pictures.
Printable beginning consonants kindergarten worksheets comprise: circling the picture which starts with the given letter.
Ending consonants include matching the letter to the picture that ends with that consonant;
circling the letter that makes the sound the picture ends with; and filling in the missing final letter to make the word match the picture.
Preschool vowels worksheets include: looking at the picture, saying the word and writing the letter;
matching the letter to the picture; and filling in the missing letter under the pictures.
Printable rythming preschool worksheets involve: drawing a line between the two pictures that rhyme;
circling the picture in the row that rhymes with the first picture;
reading the word on the left and drawing a line to the word on the right that rhymes;
and finding words on the page that rhyme with the given word.
Phonics Activity Printables
Phonics teaches kindergarten children to break up words into the smallest units of sounds, instead of recognizing whole words.
It is a method of decoding words by sound rather than by meaning.
Preschool children are taught to read the letters (or phonemes) in a word like c-a-t and then blend them to form the word cat.
Many kindergarten worksheets include phonics exercises.
There are a total of around 42 phonic sounds which are taught in kindergartens.
These phonic sounds are grouped into seven groups and are represented by single letter or combination of letters of the alphabet.
Traditional reading strategies on the other hand, emphasize on decoding words for meaning.
This method teaches children how to pronounce the whole word cat and the meaning of the word.
Preschool teachers and parents need to have a more balanced approach between to two strategies, complementing one with the other.
The reason is that English is not consistently written in a phonetic way.
Listening Activities
Narration is definitely a good way to work on a child’s listening skills.
It allows kindergarten learners to interact with the reader and ask questions when they do not understand.
At a younger age, activities like:
Simon Says, can be used to gauge if they understand individual words, when they follow directions to sit, stand, or do other actions.
Simon Says could be changed to Spiderman Says to make the game fun and motivating.
Sing Along Activity Printables
Based on a study in 1997 by Rauscher, there is a casual link between music training and spatial reasoning in young children.
It is advantageous that children be exposed to and trained in music at an early age.
Making music should be considered as much of a life skill as walking or talking.
Early childhood, i.e. from birth to six years has been identified as the babble stage or primary music development stage.
A child needs to have music stimulation and exposure. Kids song Old MacDonald Had A Farm is one of many kindergarten sing along songs that children can practice.
It is best sung with actions, or with animation song videos. Infants can experiment with their vocal instruments by imitating, matching pitch.
By twelve months, they should be able to start singing.
A child at preschool age must experience rhythm and body movement before
they can mentally hear the music in their mind and using the body as a musical instrument to responds to different kinds of music.
Neglect in this area would have negative influence on the child.
Drawing Activity Printables
The simple act of drawing is connected to a child’s physical, emotional and intellectual development.
The child just scribbles up and down and it is haphazard and makes no sense. At a later stage, he could control the wrist and finger movements.
The child progresses to choosing color and drawing lines with no shapes yet.
They then interpret the drawing and gain sense of autonomy in making decisions about line, color and placement.
Children feel proud of their achievement and show off their preschool kindergarten drawing worksheets to their friends or parents,
demonstrating drawing for social interaction and emotional support.
From two to three years of age, the child learns to draw enclosed shapes such as circle, square, triangle, oblong.
Later on, they are able to combine several shapes to form an aggregated drawing.
The first aggregated drawing is the symbol of a person using circle as body, two lines for legs and two lines for hands, looking like a tadpole.
They then learn to fill in face features like eyes, nose and mouth.
Between three to four years old or preschool age, children learn how to draw symbols of sun, dog and house.
They move towards realistic representation of the world around them.
Drawings of the world are fanciful, depicting the horizon, the sun with rays, rain drops, house, trees, people and dog.
Objects are not drawn to scale, as people are the same size as trees. There is no sense of perspective as the front view and plan view are all combined together.
At this point, kindergarten children have reach a level of neurological maturity in that they are able to plan
and layout so many objects in one drawing and each object placed in a correct position relative to others.
As children reaches school going age, the drawings become more concrete and realistic.
They are able to draw a person with full face features, body, shoulder and other details.
The drawings represent the world in a more factual and realistic way, leaving behind fanciful drawings a year earlier.
Reading Activity Printables
Emergent readers enjoy reading books that have bright and colorful pictures of interesting animals or objects.
They love to play with words and sounds using rhymes, songs, stories and animation.
One example is kindergarten song, Hear Me Shout and Pour Me Out. Rhymes help to focus on words ending with the same sound.
Phonics helps them to learn beginning sounds, consonants and vowels. Reading the stories over and over again
and talking about it help the child relate the words and sounds with the meaning of the stories.
Preschool readers are able to use visual cues and language patterns to predict and confirm a word, in order to understand the actions and message of the story.
Transitional readers read at a good pace and have ability to figure out most words but still need help with understanding of difficult words.
Fluent readers are reading independently. They are confident in their understandings of the passage and how language pattern works.
Writing Activity Printables
Kindergarten children initially learn to write the alphabet using tracing letter worksheets.
They then learn to label a picture of animal or objects with a word. Later, picture prompters can be used to help children write short sentences.
When they have this skill, they can compose a story based on a series of pictures that are clearly linked and in sequential order.
Gross Motor Skills
When children play on a playground, gross motor skills are needed for them to walk, run, skip, jump, throw, climb and do many other actions.
The skill involves the use of large muscles, arms, legs and body.
The specific skill to co-ordinate both sides of the body in unison is called bilateral integration.
Adults may take all these actions for granted but children need practices to develop such skills.
A child performing actions like clapping of hands, requires symmetrical bilateral integration.
This is an action where one side of the body mirror in unison the action of the other side.
Crawling motions involve moving in opposite directions at the same time, both sides of the body. This motions call for reciprocal bilateral integration.
A child needs asymmetrical bilateral integration skills when kicking a football with one leg while the other balances the body.
Drawing a diagonal line across the drawing board involves a skill to cross the body midline.
Well developed symmetrical bilateral integration and crossing midline ability help a child to do well in writing.
The child uses one hand to write while using the other hand to stabilize the paper.
The ability helps the child to write a sentence horizontally from left to right without having to change hand at the midpoint.
Without this ability the child may limit his drawing to the corner closest to his writing hand.
When reading, a child’s eyes need to scan horizontally from left to right for each line.
This depends on an ability to cross the midline. Without bilateral integration, the child will read the left side of the line,
pause before reading the right side of the line.
The child’s motor skill development can be accelerated by practicing tapping left hand on right knee and right hand on left knee while marching straight.
Asymmetrical bilateral integration can be trained by practicing kicking oncoming football without first stopping it.
Play-based Learning Activities
Play activity is pleasurable, enjoyable, requires physical action and verbal engagement and often uses what-if type of pretend, symbolic play.
Play-based learning helps develop the child’s brain. Children who participate in quality play experiences have better memory skills and well-developed language capability.